Health, Safety and Welfare Policy, Practice and Procedures



This document represents Duplex Business Services interpretation and application of its Health and Safety & Welfare Policy.  Its purpose is to:

  • Enable all users of the premises to comply with company policy on Health and Safety.
  • Increase awareness and understanding throughout the organisation of the obligations and responsibilities which we all have in respect of provisions under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the Education Act 2002, the Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, RIDDOR 2013 and other relevant legislation
  • Improve the effectiveness of our safety procedures and practices and enable staff to comply with and disseminate information correctly and effectively.
  • Discharge that special duty of care which we all have, to each other and particularly to our Learners.

Copies of this document are available on the Duplex Business Services IT Network.  This document is to be read in conjunction with all relevant documents, procedures and guidance material.

Section 1 Policy Statement


It is Duplex Business Services policy that all members of the organisation’s staff, Learners[1] and visitors are provided with a safe and secure environment.  In the establishment and maintenance of such an environment, full recognition will be given to the need to involve employees in developing and promoting safety procedures and practices.

All reasonably practical steps will be taken to achieve this, and attention will be paid to the provision, maintenance and monitoring of the following:

  • A safe and healthy working environment with safe access to and egress from the place of work in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974;
  • Plant, equipment, clothing and systems of work that are safe and will minimise risk to health;
  • Safe arrangements for the use handling and transport of articles and substances;
  • Sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to enable employees in accident prevention, safe working methods, damage control and fire prevention, avoid hazards and to contribute positively to their own safety and health at work.
  • Placement of employees and Learners into jobs, work placements or training courses which are not likely to aggravate any known health problems
  • Provision and maintenance of adequate first aid facilities
  • Provision of specialists competent to assist and advise Duplex Business Services Management on the safety performance of its activities as and when appropriate

To ensure its effectiveness and suitability, this Policy will be reviewed periodically and revised where necessary to accommodate changes in legislation and to incorporate additional operational requirements that result from changes in the nature and scope of the Duplex Business Services business.  


Signed and agreed by:


Director: …………..Steven Yardley………………………………………..  Date: ………02/12/2023……..

Reviewed annually, last review date December 2023. Next review date December 2024.



Section 2 – Organisational Structure & Responsibilities


The management of Health and Safety within the Organisation follows a line management route and it is expected that all personnel will play their role to enable the Duplex Business Services to achieve it’s Health and Safety objectives.


Key Roles and Responsibilities



                                      Health and Safety officer


Health and Safety Advice                                Operational Performance

    (External)                                                                          Managers


Health and Safety Policy                                      Learning and Welfare

(Up-date/Compliance)                                            & Premises Officers


     Staff meetings                                        Health and Safety Training for Staff


Health, Safety & Welfare Group                 Health and Safety for Learners


The Directorate


The Directorate must ensure that:

  • Duplex Business Services has a Health and Safety Policy and that information concerning its application and effectiveness is obtained and reviewed periodically.
  • Health and Safety matters are included as a regular item at Board and Senior Management Meetings.
  • Persons with specific Health and Safety responsibilities have the necessary training and authority to exercise those responsibilities effectively.
  • Major hazards in the organisation are dealt with by implementing the necessary procedures and training schemes.
  • The management team and all employees maintain an interest in and enthusiasm for Health and Safety.
  • The employees at all levels understand, actively support and implement the Health and Safety Policy and procedures.
  • Arrangements are made for Self- Assessment procedures to include Health and Safety matters.
  • Employees know and accept their responsibilities under the Health and Safety Policy and are adequately instructed and equipped to discharge their duties.
  • Adequate resources are made available to support and implement the objectives of the Health, Safety & Welfare Group
  • Performance relating to accident frequency is assessed and initiate actions to improve performance.
  • The Premises Officer, Safety Officer, Programme Co-ordinators and Fire Wardens make periodic inspections to monitor safety procedures in their areas of responsibility.
  • A greater awareness and involvement is promoted by the communication and consultation in matters concerned with Health and Safety.
  • All safety needs for hazardous tasks are established and ensure that these and other Health and Safety requirements are made known to the employees and Learners through the provision of adequate training information, instruction and supervision.
  • Arrangements are in place to receive reports concerning all accidents and incidents resulting in serious/reportable injuries or damage to Duplex Business Services property and that all major loss incidents are reported to the Health and Safety Officer and Directorate by the relevant manager.
  • Persons, whose duties are not normally associated with the offices or any of the training or study areas of the Organisation but are required to enter those areas, are not unreasonably exposed to personal danger.
  • Duplex Business Services meets and exceeds its legal obligations under the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act.

The Health & Safety Officer

The Duplex Business Services Safety Officer is designated with the following responsibilities:

  • Ensuring a competent person is engaged to act as external advisor to the organisation on matters relating to Health, Safety and Welfare.
  • Organising and chairing quarterly Health, Safety and Welfare Group (STAFF OR DEPARTMENTAL) meetings.
  • Reporting to Senior Management Team on matters relating to Health, Safety and Welfare.
  • Authorising new policy information and ensuring that such information is disseminated to those who require access to such information.
  • Ensure all visiting contractors’ personnel on the Company’s premises understand the Duplex Business Services Safety Policy, Codes of Practice and are instructed in their usage in relation to the area in which they are working.
  • Ensure all Contractors comply with the Health, Safety, Welfare and hygiene conditions as specified in their contracts.
  • Ensure visitors are accompanied always by a representative of Duplex Business Services and are advised of all precautions to be taken to protect their health, safety and welfare whilst on Company premises.
  • Ensuring that all delegated duty holders undertake their responsibilities and action is taken as necessary to support those who require further assistance.
  • Liaising regularly with the external Health and Safety Advisor and Duplex Business Services Premises Officer to ensure that Health and Safety matters are being addressed in accordance with the Duplex Business Services Health and Safety Policy.
  • Ensuring that adequate resources are made available to facilitate regular and prompt update and preparation of Health and Safety documentation or operational procedures.
  • Giving direction and instruction to the all duty holders regarding matters relating to premises Health and Safety hazards that require corrective action.
  • Maintaining an up to date list of Duplex Business Services personnel with Health and Safety responsibilities.
  • Maintaining an up to date set of safety policies and arrangements.
  • Carrying out regular audits of all Duplex Business Services premises in liaison with the Premises Officer with regards to Health and Safety and recording findings.
  • Initiating and monitoring a system of periodic checks and inspections throughout departments to ensure that high Health and Safety standards are maintained.
  • Maintaining a close relationship with Premises Officers with regards to Health and Safety matters; co-ordinating accident records and ensuring that all accidents are duly recorded, reported and investigated.


Health and Safety and Operational Performance


The Health and Safety Officer and the Heads of Operational Performance will liaise with Learning Managers and will co-operate with Premises’ Officers in seeking to ensure adequate training and safe working compliance & practices for all employer related and government funded provision staff, employers and Learners as follows:

  • Ensuring that arrangements are in place for identifying training needs and for securing adequate training on recruitment and re-training when staff take up new responsibilities or move to a different department or Centre;
  • Ensuring that all new entrants receive adequate induction training in compliance with the Health and Safety Policy.
  • Ensuring, through consultation with the Safety Officer that all visitors, contractors or representative’s entering/working on the premises/areas under their control are fully aware of the Duplex Business Services Health and Safety procedures. 
  • Ensuring that Health and Safety instructions and information are issued to staff and all Learner induction procedures are fully compliance with the ESFA Health and Safety Standards for Learners.  This includes permanent and temporary instructions, pamphlets and leaflets for specific operations or substances, the policy document, induction handbooks, codes of practice, guidance notices, British Standards Institution information, safety posters, etc.
  • Ensuring all teaching and assessing staff are fully up-to-date with HASWA Section 2 and 3 procedures relating to employer premises risk assessment.
  • Liaising with the Learner Welfare and Compliance Officer to ensure all Learner induction procedures and handouts comply with funding body Health and Safety criteria
  • Liaising with the Safety Officer and Premises Officer to ensure that up to date equipment and machinery inspection records are maintained and that all relevant technical guidance on site operation of all machinery and work equipment is disseminated to all staff.
  • Attending the STAFF OR DEPARTMENTAL meetings, if requested, and be prepared to provide any statistical data and information regarding accidents or safety failings within departments for information and auditing purposes.
  • Preparing, recording, reviewing and disseminating the department risk assessments and safe working practices to the employees and Learners.
  • Promoting and advising upon standards to be adopted in Health and Safety Matters.
  • Advising and assisting Heads of Areas of Learning and Service and Programme Co-ordinators with their Health and Safety responsibilities.
  • Ensuring Heads of Area and Service and Course Directors are aware of updates on new legislation and guidance.
  • Organising Health and Safety Training for delegated personnel and ensuring that records of all such training are kept on file.

The Health & Safety Advisor (External Body)


The Health and Safety Advisor’s duties will include:

  • Acting as external advisor for the Duplex Business Services and providing ongoing advice on matters relating to Health, Safety and Welfare.
  • Reviewing Health and Safety documentation and providing comment on its adequacy and offering advice as necessary to improve effectiveness of such documentation.
  • Assessing level of compliance with existing procedures by carrying out periodic reviews and producing action plans for agreement with the organisation.
  • Attending quarterly STAFF OR DEPARTMENTAL meetings and offering advice where needed.
  • Providing regular updates on new legislation or guidance on Health and Safety to enable the organisation to respond appropriately.
  • Undertaking six monthly compliance audits on a programme based on risk assessment and making recommendations for improvement.
  • Providing any additional services in support of the Duplex Business Services Safety Officer.

Premises Officer

Duties of the Premises Officer include:

  • Drawing the Duplex Business Services Safety Officer’s attention to any circumstances considered to be major Health and Safety hazards that require a business decision for their prevention.

  • Maintaining close and continuous contact with the Safety Officer regarding matters relating to premises safety.
  • Consulting or seeking advice from the Safety Officer regarding any information received or personal observations made concerning any unsafe machinery and/or operating conditions and ensuring that action is taken to correct defects.
  • Maintaining a close liaison with Duplex Business Services Centre’s Safety Representatives and the Safety Officer to expedite compliance with any improvement or prohibition notices issued by an HSE Inspector or Contractual Funding Body.  Informing the Directorate if compliance with such notices is delayed.
  • Liaising with the Safety Officer to receive notifications of all reportable accidents and assist in the investigation of reportable incidents and the preparation of reports to be forwarded to the Health and Safety Executive.
  • Co-ordinating all matters relating to Health and Safety and arranging for purchase of general safety equipment and supplies across all Duplex Business Services delivery Centres.

Health, Safety and Welfare Group


The objective of the Group is to monitor compliance and review the general working arrangements for Health and Safety (including the Duplex Business Services Health and Safety Policy Statement) and to act as a representative for the various delivery departments for ensuring joint participation in the prevention of accidents, incidents and occupational ill health.

Composition of the Group will be determined by management but will normally include equal representation of management and employees ensuring that all areas of the Organisation are represented.  Other members may be co-opted to attend as required to assist the efficient functioning of the team.

The committee shall be quorate when 40% of the members are present.  The core members shall comprise the following representatives:

  1. Duplex Business Services Safety Officer (Chair)
  2. Member of Directorate
  3. Representative of Operations
  4. Technology Representative
  5. Staff Representatives  
  6. Head of Assurance
  7. Learner Welfare and Compliance Officer
  8. Health and Safety Advisor
  9. HR Manager

The Group shall determine its own terms of reference but, in general terms, will advise the Duplex Business Services Directorate on Health and Safety matters. One individual may occupy more than one role.

The Group shall decide the frequency of its meetings, but there will be a minimum of one per quarter.  The Duplex Business Services Safety Officer is responsible for ensuring that the Directorate receives copies of the minutes of each meeting.

Learner Welfare and Compliance Officer


The Learner Welfare and Compliance Officer’s duties will include:

  • Working with the Safety Officer as a competent person for the organisation representing Learner’s Health and Safety interests and providing ongoing internal advice on matters relating to compliance of Learner Health, Safety and Welfare.
  • Working with the Safety Officer in reviewing Learner Health and Safety documentation and providing comment on its adequacy and offering advice as necessary to improve effectiveness of such documentation.
  • Ensuring that all those with responsibilities for organising, planning, monitoring and auditing Health and Safety procedures for work-based learning programmes are following Duplex Business Services Health and Safety Policy /SFA Health and Safety Standards for Learner requirements.
  • Attending STAFF OR DEPARTMENTAL meetings to make representations regarding any Health and Safety matters that affect Learners.
  • Reporting back to those under their control and discussing any follow up actions required.
  • Ensuring adequate risk assessments are undertaken to cover all activities relating to Learners.
  • Ensuring that adequate written procedures are prepared to cover all activities relating to Learners, including instructions on the use of safety equipment or clothing.
  • Liaising with the Safety Officer and ensuring Health and Safety procedures for external Learners are disseminated to all those with responsibilities for managing Learners.
  • Ensure Learners have the appropriate information and tutoring session regarding the Safe Learner guidelines and activities as part of their full Programme Induction.
  • Ensure all stakeholder facing staff are adequately trained in risk assessment awareness and disseminate work-place Health and Safety requirements to new employees/work-placement Learners.


Employees and Learners

All employees and Learners must:                  

  • Comply with the Duplex Business Services Health and Safety Policy.
  • Follow instructions and guidance provided in the interest of Health and Safety.
  • Comply with rules and procedures regarding safe working for Learners on work placement or recruited employees from Duplex Business Services programmes
  • Find out what safe operating procedure and instructions apply in any workplace and on any job which they may be allocated.          
  • Report unsafe equipment and unsafe practice/methods or any other hazard.
  • Use correct methods of work and not improvise by using methods, tools or equipment that entails unnecessary risks.
  • Assist in the maintenance of good housekeeping standards.
  • Co-operate with the care takers and follow reasonable advice given by their line managers.
  • Where issued, use the necessary protective clothing and equipment as specified.
  • Not intentionally interfere with or misuse anything that has been provided in the interests of Health and Safety or welfare, whether it has been provided for the protection of employees or other people.
  • Assist as required in the preparation of risk assessments
  • Be familiar with Duplex Business Services Safeguarding Guidelines to protect more than the physical safety of those in our care. All staff dealing with customers under the age of 18 are required to hold a recognised certificate to demonstrate awareness of the issues.

Section 3 – General Arrangements & Procedures

  1. Training and Communication


In addition to specific training referred to elsewhere in these regulations the Duplex Business Services Safety Officer and Duplex Business Services Operational Performance Manager are responsible for ensuring training needs of the staff with Health and Safety responsibilities are identified and ensuring that such needs are met.

The organisation will communicate with staff on Health and Safety matters in the most appropriate way as and when matters arise.  This may via memoranda, emails, staff meetings, the intranet or other forum.

The Safety Officer is responsible for ensuring that each member of staff, whether full or part-time is issued with a copy of Duplex Business Services most recent Health and Safety Policy, and most recent Health and Safety Regulations and Procedures.

The Safety Officer is responsible for ensuring that copies of all appropriate documents and publications to promote the implementation of this policy and its procedures are made available on the website or at reception.  Any such documents and publications so held will be appropriately marked and must not be removed without the express approval of the Safety Officer.

All staff must ensure that users of the Duplex Business Services delivery premises with whom they have direct contact, are aware of the Health and Safety policies and procedures, including Learners, visitors, contractors etc.

  1.   The Safe Learner


The Learner Welfare and Compliance Officer (LWCO) is responsible for ensuring all staff and Learners at all premises have full understanding and awareness of Health and Safety issues regarding their and their colleague’s safety and well-being on and off premises and in work placements.  Learners will be given a full induction on all elements of the Safe Learner Concept and be required to complete the “Be Safe” Handbook or similar internal introduction, as part of their induction learning outcomes.  The LWCO will also take the lead in training new members of staff in principles of staying safe and safeguarding vulnerable individuals; with attention paid to staff and volunteers working with under 18s.

  1. Accidents, Incidents and First Aid


The procedure that Duplex Business Services follows to investigate and prevent accidents and incidents is described in Appendix 1.  A staff guide to managing incidents can be found at Appendix 2.

      3.1    Accident Reporting Procedures

All accidents must be recorded in the Accident reporting book held with the First Aid box at Reception and in the Admin office on each floor and reported to the Safety Officer who will decide whether to report any accident to the Health and Safety Executive and/or the funding bodies if applicable.  

Generally, all accidents involving Learners must be reported to the relevant funding body and it is the responsibility of the relevant member of staff to inform the Safety Officer immediately of such incidents.

Reportable accidents will be notified to the HSE in accordance with RIDDOR 1995.  The accident will be reported online to the Safety Officer and Premises Officer and a copy printed off for the records and investigation of the accident.

All major accidents and incidents will be investigated.  In such situations, the Safety Officer will direct the Duplex Business Services Health and Safety Advisor to carry out the investigations and make the necessary recommendations to prevent reoccurrence.  The Incident Report Form will be completed during such investigations.

All minor accidents and injuries must be reported in the accident book by the attending first aider or member of staff at the incident.  It is important to ensure that all sections of the forms are completed and signed by the relevant attending first aider and forwarded on to the Safety Officer.

In the case of staff injury, the Safety Officer will forward copies of accident reports and associated documents to the manager to be filed on the personal file of the member of staff injured. 


      3.2    Violent Incidents

Incidents must be reported as per the accident section above, and investigations will be undertaken to identify contributory factors. 

Where staff or Learners have been subjected to violent incidents they will be offered support, guidance, counselling, legal advice and/or medical assistance as required. Duplex Business Services has set up an Employee Assistance Programme to assist with this.

      3.3    Qualified First Aid Staff

The number and names of staff currently recognised by Duplex Business Services as appropriately qualified First Aiders is listed in Appendix 3.  The Safety Officer is responsible for keeping under review the number of qualified first aid staff considered sufficient to meet Duplex Business Services needs.

      3.4    Aids and Hepatitis

AIDS (Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) which attacks the body’s natural defence system and leaves it open to various infections and cancers.

Current medical opinion is that the risk of becoming infected with HIV in nearly all occupations is negligible.  The virus is not transmitted through normal social interaction and there are no reported cases of it being transmitted through the administration of first aid.

Nevertheless, while recognising the low risk, Duplex Business Services considers AIDS sufficiently complex enough to warrant a separate policy statement.  This can be found at Appendix 4.

  1.      Fire and Emergency Procedures


All staff are responsible for ensuring that Learners and other users of the premises are aware of Duplex Business Services Health and Safety policy and emergency procedures.  This includes ensuring all Learners are briefed on their first attendance at any Duplex Business Services Centre, and the Learner Induction Checklist is completed and signed by both the Learner and the person giving the induction. 

Staff finding a suspect package must not handle, move or tampered with in any way and should report it immediately to a manager.  Likewise, any bomb threat must be immediately notified to a manager.  The manager will decide whether to evacuate the building.  The police should be called immediately, and the emergency evacuation procedure followed as appropriate. 

4.1    Fire/Evacuation Notices

Building evacuation notices explaining the procedure to be followed in the event of the alarm sounding are displayed in all registers, offices, common rooms, public rooms and corridors and teaching rooms. 


4.2    Fire extinguishers

These are available for staff to use in the event of a fire, but only if the fire is judged to be local, small and confinable.  Staff must err on the side of safety, and if in doubt about the type of extinguisher available or the size and force of a fire they should NOT endeavour to fight the fire personally. 

  1.      Smoking


Smoking is prohibited in all Duplex Business Services training premises.  Designated smoking areas outside the buildings are signposted.

  1. Visitors


Visitors, or in the case of large groups, the leaders of such groups must report to reception upon arrival.  A copy of the Duplex Business Services Health, Safety and Welfare Document is held in reception and available, on demand, for study and inspection by any visitor.  Visitors leaving Duplex Business Services Premises must first inform the receptionist on duty and sign out. 

         See Appendix 6 for full procedures on welcoming and briefing visitors.

      7       Personal Protective Equipment

In accordance with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) legislation, any member of staff is entitled to provision at Duplex Business Services expense, of protective clothing appropriate and necessary to the level of risk in the work that they are required to perform.

A member of staff who feels he/she are entitled to protective clothing should make a request to his/her Line Manager whose job it is to deal with such requests.

The Heads of Learning and Service, and Course Directors, are responsible for ensuring that suitable and sufficient PPE is provided to all Learners and supervisors during activities which require the use of such protective equipment/clothing.  In all situations, the level of PPE required will be based on the outcome of risk assessments.

  1. Risk Assessment

Heads of Provision and Service and Course Co-ordinators are responsible for ensuring that risk assessments for each category of risk on all Duplex Business Services premises are carried out.  The Duplex Business Services Safety Officer is responsible for monitoring this process.

Risk assessments will be carried out in accordance with the following five-step approach:

  1. a)Look for the hazards (anything that could cause harm)
  2. b)Decide who might be harmed and how
  3. c)Evaluate the risks arising from the hazards and decide whether existing precautions are adequate or more needs to be done
  4. d)Record the findings using reporting forms and ensure action is taken as necessary
  5. e)Review the assessments from time to time, particularly where there is reason to believe a category of risk may have changed measurably, and revise as necessary

Please refer to Appendix 7 for further Risk Assessment guidance and refer to the self-regulation file for a simple, easy to complete risk assessment form.

  1. Hazards


         9.1 Hazard Reporting

A hazard which is minor and transitory in nature e.g. a spillage of water must be reported orally to the Premises Officer for immediate action to be taken.

For any other form of hazard, the member of staff who identifies the hazard must take appropriate action to make the area safe and, in addition to the above procedure, complete a Hazard Report Form, and send this to the Premises Officer. 


9.2 Hazardous Substances

The Safety Officer is responsible for ensuring that any employee working with a hazardous substance is adequately informed, instructed and trained so that he or she is aware of the risks and the precautions needed, and how to work safely with such substances.

The Safety Officer is responsible for making adequate arrangements to monitor employees’ exposure to hazardous substances. In addition, they must ensure that any hazardous materials such as strong cleaning chemicals are kept out of the reach of Learners and are safely locked away.

  1. Safe Use of Equipment


All equipment must be used in line with the manufacturer’s instructions.  Staff and Learners will be trained in the use of equipment as appropriate to their roles.

         10.1  Use of Visual Display Units

The Heads of Learning and Service are responsible for ensuring that staff are trained and aware of VDU (Visual Display Unit) Regulations and that:

  1. a)each VDU operator has a chair with an adjustable height and back support;
  2. b)the operator can sit and change positions sensibly to reduce muscle tiredness;
  3. c)keyboard and screen can be appropriately adjusted;
  4. d)there is adequate workspace to accommodate working papers;
  5. e)desks are arranged so that bright lights are not reflected on the screen and the operator is not looking directly at bright lights or windows;
  6. f)the operator has sufficient breaks to avoid fatigue;
  7. g)the operator is aware of his/her responsibilities in terms of VDU operation and training.

         10.2  Interactive Whiteboards

Duplex Business Services is committed to employing new technology in delivery.  One such technology is the interactive whiteboard.  Procedures are in place for the selection, installation and use of this equipment (see Appendix 8).

  1. Outreach Working

Duplex Business Services takes seriously its responsibility to ensure the Health and Safety of staff, and this includes the time they spend with Learners in the work place and at outreach premises.  Appendix 9 outlines the procedure for ensuring a safe working environment for staff who undertake outreach work.

  1. Learner Activities

Learners on many of our programmes participate in a variety of activities including educational visits, sporting activities, work experience (see above).  To ensure that we have all of the information needed to ensure their health, safety and welfare we follow a variety of procedures and complete documents as described below.


         12.1  Educational Visits

Appendix 10 outlines the procedure for organising educational visits. 


         12.2  Work Placements

Work experience placement must be appropriate for the Learner undertaking the placement from an educational, health, welfare and safety point of view.  Appendix 10 outlines the procedure for undertaking checks and assessments prior to placing a Learner. 

         12.3  Work Based Learning

On programmes where learning takes place in the workplace (such as Apprenticeships), a Health and Safety assessment will be undertaken with the employer to ensure they have suitable and sufficient arrangements for Learner and visitor Health and Safety.  A Health & Safety Review Form should be completed as a record of the review and any remedial actions agreed.

12.4  Residential Trips

Staff will be required to complete a Residential Planning Form and a Residential Journey Checklist and Aide Memoire when organising residential trips.  A Parental Consent Form will also be needed for Learners under the age of 18.  Refer to the Duplex Business Services International website for documentation regarding journeys and visits for international Learners.

12.5  Sporting Activities

Where Learners will be taking part in physical activities as part of their programme they will be asked to complete a Fitness Questionnaire to assess the risks of them participating in the activity.  This information will be treated confidentially and used as appropriate to ensure the Health and Safety of the Learner.

12.6 Engagement with Satellite Centres

Where Learners are spending time at a site that is not solely under Duplex Business Services Management, a risk assessment must be completed by the Welfare and Compliance Officer in order to determine possible risks and safeguarding concerns which will be fed back to staff during their induction to raise awareness and lower the chance of an unwanted event.

  1. Premises Maintenance & Works


Duplex Business Services will maintain all premises and facilities in good order.  Contractors undertaking work will be approved as per the procedure at Appendix 11 and receive a Permit to Work.


  1. Disaster Contingency Planning


The Safety Officer is responsible for ensuring that contingency plans for dealing with all types of foreseeable emergencies are prepared.

Section 4 – Monitoring & Auditing

Periodically the Safety Officer will review the adequacy of these Health, Safety and Welfare Regulations and Procedures and following consideration of such reviews by the Duplex Business Services Health, Safety and Welfare Group, make recommendations to the Directorate.

The Safety Officer shall, from time to time, make recommendations to the Directorate on arrangements for the effective planning, organisation, control, monitoring and review of preventative and protective measures in the organisation.


Informal monitoring which includes premises inspections, spot checking of safety equipment and provisions, review of documents and compliance procedures is undertaken periodically by the Safety Officer and the Health and Safety Advisor.

Formal auditing will be carried out yearly by the Health and Safety Advisor and/or the Duplex Business Services Safety Officer in the presence of the Safety Representative.  Findings of these audits are reported to relevant Heads of Area of Learning and Service for corrective action where necessary. 


Section 5 – Safe Learner


The Duplex Business Services Learner Welfare and Compliance Officer will ensure that all aspects of communication regarding Health, Safety and Welfare process conform and adhere to general Health and Safety Policies and procedures. 

The Health, Safety and Welfare of Learners is a fundamental value for Duplex Business Services and applies to all types of provision.  Duplex Business Services will promote and continually review its standards to ensure Learners are receiving the best support to protect and benefit each individual.  Key to this is the promotion of the ‘Safe Learner’ concept and continuous improvement through effective Health and Safety management. 

The safe learner, through the quality of the learning experience:

  • gains an understanding of the importance of Health and Safety
  • identifies and controls risk in their learning environment
  • develops a set of safe behaviours, so that they play an active part in the process and acquire practical, transferable skills from their experience.
  • experiences a safe, secure environment to enable them to feel confident, whilst focusing on their learning goals.

We recognise that Learners learn in an environment under control of a training provider, and that any tasks undertaken might affect the Learner.  We aim to ensure that the Learner develops a positive attitude and safe behaviours to become a safe learner and worker.

Our teachers, trainers and mentors understand that they have a direct role in the transfer of Health and Safety knowledge and can influence the Learner’s behaviour.

Learners will receive an Induction and activity schedule or timetable at the start of their programme which will ensure they play an active part in the safe learning process and develop practical, transferable skills from their experience.  Depending on level of risk, either in learning or work placement settings, Learners will be guided through the recommended Health and Safety guidelines.  Every Learner will receive a ‘Be Safe’ workbook that they will complete as part of their induction and work placement preparation if appropriate. 


Induction includes details of the Health and Safety regulations and Learner responsibilities, including: 

  • Personal Responsibility

o   Duty of care to oneself and others (including general behaviour)

o   Good housekeeping (including use of shared facilities)

o   Acting over hazards

o   Personal medical conditions

  • Accidents and Emergencies

o   Fire alarms and exits

o   Evacuation procedures

o   First aiders and equipment

o   Signing in and out processes

  • Use of VDUs (where required) – staff in computer areas will help Learners arrange their workstation to avoid strain and sight problems.  The following points will be addressed to be addressed when working on a computer:

o   adjusting chair and monitor

o   keeping the working area clear and tidy

o   taking frequent breaks (every hour at a minimum)

o   having an eye test if necessary

o   Learner conduct agreement for use of ICT and ICT rooms

  • Specialist areas

o   high risk areas will have local Health and Safety procedures.  Staff in those areas will brief Learners on these special requirements at the beginning of their course and remind them at intervals throughout the course.

The following documents are completed by Learners as part of induction:

Data Capture Form / Enrolment Form – includes a full declaration of disabilities including depression, asthma and other health conditions.  We encourage all Learners to declare all disabilities openly and promptly to put in place controls or facilities to ensure Learner comfort and retention.

Customer Charter (or similar) – this outlines the areas covered during induction and confirms that Learners have been:


  • introduced to Duplex Business Services Health and Safety statement.
  • given an overview of the Equality & Diversity policy and understand their general responsibilities therein.
  • Informed of the complaints and grievance procedures and understand these.

A Learner conduct agreement may be agreed for Learners on some courses, setting out rules regarding classroom behaviour and the consequences of any negative incidents including complaints and grievance procedures.

Learners are also informed of support systems in place, and are encouraged to share problems, practical issues eg childcare, illness and attendance difficulties etc, with a Welfare Support Officer.

Explicit in many of our courses is a developing understanding of types of emergencies and incidents/accidents most common in the place of work and the meaning and implication of safety/warning/information signs.  These signs are available in worksheet and poster format.

Reviews (Provision Dependent)

Duplex Business Services values the Learner journey and as such, is aware for the need of Learners to have regular and meaningful one-to-one tutorials with their tutor or group leader.  These take place and are recorded formally in the individual learning plan for every Learner or informally depending on the provision, covering academic/vocational progress and Learner welfare.  These sessions may identify personal or professional issues or grievances, which are then dealt with by the tutor, course managers or Welfare Officer.  Learners are encouraged to discuss issues and problems fully during these tutorials or during private interviews.

All information is treated in confidence according to the Data Protection Act 1998 and stored securely in filing cabinets.  Learner support information is documented centrally in a password-protected database.

During the course, legislation regarding the following are covered:

  • Every Child Matters
  • The Children Act
  • Disability Discrimination Act
  • Sex Discrimination Act

Promoting the Safe Learner in Work Based Courses


There are 5 main stages to the training and activities that Duplex Business Services provides to promote the Safe Learner concept.  These are show below, along with details of how Duplex Business Services will support these activities within Learner programmes.

Stage 1 – Pre-work briefing


To prepare Learners for work-based learning and work placements, they are given a pre-work briefing.  This is to give them a general understanding of occupational Health and Safety.  It is theory based but includes carrying out a 5 stage risk assessment, and the identification of key Health and Safety personnel and equipment.


Stage 2 – Induction

Once at the work placement, Learners will receive a thorough induction.  We ensure all placement work sites are complaint with current Health and Safety regulations and are able to provide appropriate Health and Safety information and training to trainees and employees.

For Learners entering work placements, we provide placement guidelines, which covers Learner’s responsibility towards working safely with others.  The placement receives guidelines as to the content of the trainees’ induction.


Stage 3 – Progression & Foundation

For Learners in the workplace Duplex Business Services will incorporate training to increase understanding and awareness of all aspects of Health and Safety to improve their welfare in the workplace and knowledge required for their qualification.

The working practices of Learners will be reviewed to ensure they can apply their knowledge of Health and Safety in a practical way.  This will include understanding risks in the workplace, control measures, arrangements for fire, accidents, first aid, prohibited or restricted processes, areas, machinery, workplace rules, how Health and Safety is communicated in the workplace, welfare facilities, PPE, legal requirements, the importance of ensuring that personal conduct in appropriate.

Stage 4 – Safe Worker/Learner

It is important that Learners ensure their own actions reduce risks to Health and Safety.  Most of our Learners in the workplace are completing a qualification that will have an element of Health and Safety within it.  Their understanding and use of knowledge will be assessed as part of this to ensure they work in a safe manner and take all the appropriate steps to protect themselves and others.  Where appropriate Duplex Business Services may work with the placement or employer to offer National Occupational Standards: Health and Safety for People at Work (ENTO), Unit A qualification.


Stage 5 – Lifelong learning

Duplex Business Services will provide advice and guidance to Learners and employers on how they can continue to reinforce or develop health, safety and welfare skills and knowledge.

Section 6 – Detailed Procedures & Forms


This section of the Health, Safety and Welfare Policy, Practice and Procedures contains more detailed guidance on the general arrangements outlined in section 3.

At the end of the section you will find the documents described in this handbook.

Appendix 1

Accidents & Incidents Investigation & Prevention


The following principles determine how the Duplex Business Services makes use of accident and incident data to ensure that corrective action is taken, safe systems of work and implemented and the authorities are informed where appropriate:

  1. Accident/incident investigation forms must be used to record all details of accidents or near misses and the corrective action taken.  This requirement includes accidents that occur off site on visits, journeys or work placements involving either Learners or staff or both.

  1. The Duplex Business Services Health and Safety Officer will:

  • scrutinize report forms to determine further action as appropriate.
  • ensure that all accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences are reported to the appropriate enforcing authority and will keep records of those notifications.

  1. Trends and examples of accidents and incidents will be discussed, and appropriate action proposed at the meetings of the Duplex Business Services Health, Safety and Welfare Group.  When appropriate, issues will be raised at department and service team meetings.

  1. The Duplex Business Services Health and Safety Officer will lead the investigation of any incident which he/she considers may have implications for the management of Health and Safety within the company, or which is a reportable incident.  The report of the investigation will be made in writing to the Policy Team, Healthy, Safety and Welfare Group.  The Duplex Business Services Health and Safety Officer will keep the Directors and other persons with an interest in the matter informed of progress with the investigation.

  1. The Health and Safety Officer may enlist the assistance of outside consultants in the investigation where necessary.

  1. The report will make recommendations about the avoidance of similar accidents or incidents in the future and will follow up the recommendations to ensure that they are appropriately implemented within and agreed timescale. 

The structure of the report will be as follows:

  1.      A description of what is alleged to have happened
  2.      An analysis of apparent causes

                  iii.     Recommendations for remedial action and recurrence prevention

Any member of staff or Learner who considers that an incident or accident merits a formal investigation may suggest this to the Health and Safety Officer.  If the matter is deemed insufficiently significant for investigation by the Health and Safety Officer, the Learner or member of staff may appeal to the Directors.

Appendix 2

Quick Guide to Managing Incidents

  1. Take responsibility for dealing immediately with the incident.

  1. Ensure the immediate safety of Learners, staff and visitors by helping to remove them from the situation or take other appropriate action to protect them. 

  1. If the threat of danger is acute, call the police by dialling 999.  Ensure that adequate information is passed on eg the threat of violence involving weapons will ensure a faster police response than verbal intimidation.

  1. Request the assistance of others, such as:

  • other staff, Learners or visitors who are nearby,
  • a member of the Duplex Business Services Management Team (senior manager, Head of School or Service),
  • the Premises Officer (via reception).

  1. The most senior member of staff on the scene will take responsibility for the Incident – they are designated the incident manager.  They will take appropriate action to make the situation safe.

  1. After the incident has been diffused, the incident manager will:

  • decide whether to recommend that one or more Learners or members of staff be suspended pending disciplinary action.  If the recommendation is suspension, the Learners’ programme manager will be advised immediately and take appropriate action (including contacting parents if appropriate).
  • decide whether to call the police or other emergency services if this has not already been done and notify reception.
  • liaise with the police or other emergency services.
  • arrange for the collection of statements of those involved and eye-witnesses.
  • compile an incident report and forward it to the Safety Officer for further action, and to the Premises Officer for logging.

Appendix 3

First Aid

Render simple first aid, as quickly as possible and then follow steps 5, 6 and 7 on the same day or, if the accident happens in the evening, as soon as possible on the following day.  Be aware that Duplex Business Services policy is NOT to dispense medicines, such as aspirin, antiseptic creams etc.

Details of the Appointed First Aiders can be found on display on the main notice boards in the centres.  At the time of publication these persons were:

The above staff have undertaken a three-day First Aid (Appointed Persons) course.  If any Appointed Person is contacted, they will take over immediate responsibility for the incident, but the original member of staff should still complete the necessary reports. Each site will have a locally named first aider.

If no trained first aiders are available, and provided it can be done without further injury, report to Duplex Business Services Reception to contact the Safety Officer or Head of First Aid.  If necessary, call an ambulance (dial 999).

The member of staff who responded to the incident should inform the Head of Area of Learning and the next of kin where a minor is involved.  They must complete an Incident Report Form as soon as possible after the casualty has been dealt with.  The form can be obtained from the Safety Officer or a designated first aider.  A report must always be made in cases involving injury or incidents requiring emergency treatment no matter how trivial, in case of subsequent enquiries.

Appendix 4

HIV & AIDS Policy

HIV – Human Immune Deficiency Virus

AIDS – Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

  1. General Principles

1.1       Members of the public who have the human immune deficiency virus in their bloodstream will be as entitled to receive the Duplex Business Services Services as if they did not have the virus.  No service will be withheld solely claiming a potential recipient has the virus provided that the member of the public concerned co-operates with basic precautions, which are designed to protect the Duplex Business Services staff and the public sharing those services, from infection.

1.2       Duplex Business Services will operate its services so as to minimise the risks to the public and its staff of contracting the virus accidentally.

1.3       Normal personnel procedures will continue to apply to the recruitment and medical clearance of new staff.  Having the virus will only influence eligibility for employment where Duplex Business Services will decide the potential employee is not medically fit for the job,

1.4       Where a member of Duplex Business Services staff suffers from the virus no special action will be taken unless their work requires direct intimate contact with a member of the public or other members of staff involving direct contact with blood, semen or other bodily products or when they will be required to follow a code of practice to minimise risk of infection.

1.5       Staff whose work requires them to have such direct physical contact will be provided with protective equipment.

1.6       The policy and associated code of practice will apply to temporary as well as permanent staff.


  1. The Provision of Services


2.1         In providing its services the Duplex Business Services will not discriminate against people who have antibodies to the HIV in their bloodstream (are antibody positive).  Where the effect of the virus is to increase a person’s need for a service from the Duplex Business Services that service will be provided subject to the normal criteria of individual eligibility and financial of other constraints.

2.2         Provision of a service which involves direct, intimate physical contact between a member of the Duplex Business Services staff and a member of the public who is antibody positive will only be withheld if the member of the public refuses to co-operate with basic procedures to protect the Duplex Business Services staff from infection.

2.3         The Duplex Business Services will give high priority to dealing with spillages of blood, vomit or other bodily fluids and to the clearing away of the debris of drug addiction and other materials containing or exposed to bodily fluids.

2.4         The Duplex Business Services private contractors will be- required to operate procedures or a code of practice which protect the public and staff whether of the Duplex Business Services or the contractor, from the risk of accidental infection with the HIV.  The Duplex Business Services will wish to approve the contractor’s procedures or code of practice as part of the negotiation and monitoring of its contracts.

2.5         Where a member of the Duplex Business Services staff contracts the virus the Duplex Business Services will take medical advice as to which, if any, parts of that person’s job he/she should no longer carry out or for which special precautions need to be taken and will require the member of staff concerned to take those precautions in the conduct of their work and to follow the standard precautions.

2.6         Where because of the course of the virus and the consequent disease AIDS a member of staff involved in providing direct services to the public is suffering from a contagious or infectious disease which can be easily spread in the normal course of work the member of staff will be given sick leave until that easily spread condition is under control.

2.7         The Duplex Business Services will periodically review its provision of services and this policy as knowledge of the virus and AIDS increases and as the spread of the virus and the disease in the population changes.

  1. Protection of Staff

3.1           Staff whose work involves or may involve contact with blood or other bodily fluids or products will be provided with protective clothing as well as agents for safely neutralising the blood or any other body fluids and products which represent a risk and means for its disposal.

3.2           Staff whose work may bring them into contact with the debris of drug addiction will be provided with the means for safely disposing of hypodermic needles and syringes.

3.3           Staff who are recognised first-aiders will be provided with airways for resuscitation and with training in their use.

3.4           Where the Duplex Business Services knows that a recipient of or applicant for one of its services has antibodies to the virus in his/her bloodstream and the service may involve physical contact the staff concerned in providing that service will be told.

3.5           Supervisors and managers will so far as is possible ensure that colleagues who, by virtue of AIDS have other serious conditions which ma), be infectious or contagious, do not remain on duty until that other condition is under control.

  1. Employment Conditions

4.1           No special recruitment procedures will apply, and no change will be made in Duplex Business Services normal procedures for medical clearance as to fitness for the job before an offer of employment is made.  AIDS or HIV antibody-positive test results will only bar a parson from employment with Duplex Business Services where the decision is made by Duplex Business Services.  Any such decision will be arrived at in the normal way.

4.2           Where a member of staff is antibody positive and their job requires direct physical contact with members of the public he/she will be encouraged to inform a senior manager and will be required to follow a code of practice to minimise -the risk of accidental infection.

4.3           Where a member of staff is antibody positive they will not be asked to declare that unless their job involves direct physical contact with members of the public.

4.4           Where a member of staff whose job involves direct physical contact discloses he/she is antibody positive medical advice will be sought as to any specific precautions which should be followed to minimise the risk of accidental infection.

4.5           If very exceptionally and rarely medical advice is that a member of staff who is antibody positive cannot safely continue to do his/her job or some part of it even with precautions the duties of the member of staff concerned will he adjusted or redeployment without financial detriment will be arranged.

Note: it is envisaged that this will occur only where there are factors special to both the job and the employee which together make the risk of cross infection unacceptable, e.g. an employee who is antibody positive involved in intimate physical care of the public and who suffers from, for example, weeping eczema or unpredictable nosebleeds.


  1. Code of Practice for Staff

5.1   All Duplex Business Services employees have a duty to themselves, their colleagues and the public to operate in a safe and health conscious manner.  There is also a similar duty placed upon employers and these responsibilities are embodied in the Health and Safety at Work etc, Act 1974. 

5.2   The Duplex Business Services believes in a policy of understanding the disease and its problems through education and in taking a caring attitude to its, employees, clients and the public who become victims of the disease.  It is therefore vitally important for you who are an integral part of the workforce of the Duplex Business Services to act responsibly when dealing with clients with the disease or if you contract the virus or develop the disease yourself.  Below are detailed some basic requirements you must follow.  The purpose of this code of practice is to give all employees general guidance to minimise the risk of contracting and/or passing on the virus at the workplace and to help in educating employees about the disease and their lives inside/outside the work environment.

5.3   Duplex Business Services staff are encouraged to remember that there are no outward physical signs to tell you who has and has not been infected with HIV and many other serious infections. As such it is important to behave calmly and pragmatically when dealing with situations involving potential transmission routes in all cases.


Information about HIV and AIDS

Spread of Infection – HIV is very difficult to catch accidentally.  It is passed on by sexual intercourse with an infected person or by taking infected blood into your own bloodstream.  Normal social and work contacts, even with an infected person, are safe.  The virus is not spread in the way other viruses can be by sneezing or coughing or by touch.  Nor is there any risk if you handle anything which has been touched by an infected person, or from sharing an office or other facilities with them.

The only risk is from direct contact with the blood, semen or other body fluids of an infected person.  Few jobs involve, contact with these bodily products so the great majority of staff are safe from infection whilst undertaking normal duties at work.  Those staff who care for clients and deal with their blood, semen of other bodily fluids already face, a risk from other infections, and the precautions in the Code of Practice will help protect them against these as well as against HIV.  Will a person with the infection be able to work?  Someone who is infected with the HIV virus should be able to work normally whilst otherwise medically fit to do so; this will be ascertained by referral to a Medical Officer who advises the Duplex Business Services on staff health.


6.2           Risks for the public – Potential risk to and from the public only arises where blood, semen or other bodily fluids of an infected person can enter another person’s body, for example, through an open wound.  All cuts should be covered with a waterproof dressing as a matter of course.

6.3           First Aid – No one has been known to catch the virus from HIV blood splashing onto the skin, but as a matter of normal hygiene, blood should be washed off immediately with soap and water Cuts should, in any case, be, protected with waterproof dressings.

  1.   Contact with Potential HIV Positive/Aids Carriers


Staff who meet clients or employees who may be HIV positive/aids carriers must observe the following procedures:

Whenever and wherever you suffer a cut or abrasion to the skin immediately clean and dress the wound ensuring it is covered with a waterproof plaster or protective covering.  Never leave any cut/abrasion uncovered.

Whenever clearing up spillage of body fluids, blood, saliva, etc., use a solution of 1:10 bleach in water, or other solution approved by the Duplex Business Services Safety Officer and always-wear the protective gloves provided together with a disposable apron clean and disinfect any surfaces on which any body fluids have been spilled.

Don’t use mops to clean up blood and body fluid spillages – use the kits available contact Welfare and Compliance Officer if there is any problem. 

Discard fluid contaminated material in a plastic bag along with the disposable gloves.  The bag must be securely sealed and disposed of appropriately this also applies when dealing with sanitary towel debris, excreta and the debris of drug abuse.

When you finish clearing the spillage dispose of the gloves, apron and spillage in plastic bags provided.

When dealing with refuse always wear disposable gloves and ensure you empty such material in a safe manner, e.g. don’t plunge your hands into bins with refuse when you cannot see what the bin contains.

Where syringes/needles are used and are disposable, dispose of the spent syringes/needles in a sharp safe.

If you are a first aider, when you are called to an incident where you are likely to meet blood/body fluids, always take with you the disposable gloves/apron provided.

7.7If as a first aider, you are required to give artificial respiration use the airway you have been provided with.

NB: All first aiders will be provided with training in how to use this equipment.

7.8  If you spill blood or other body fluid over exposed skin, you must immediately wash the affected area in soap and water.

7.9  Spillage of blood or other body fluid over clothing should lead you to wash the affected garment on a’ hot wash in a washing machine.

  1. Employees Who Are HIV Positive or Suffer from Aids


8.1.  If you as an employee suffer from HIV or AIDS, there are precautions you must take.  The Duplex Business Services will as far as practically possible review the duties and responsibilities you carry out to establish that you are medically fit to carry out the full range of duties and responsibilities; but with its responsibilities to the public, clients and other employees it may be necessary to modify the job you do to minimise the risks to you and others.  You will receive a sympathetic and understanding approach to the problem.

8.2.  If your job involves direct physical contact with the public inform your Line Manager that you have contracted the disease/virus as soon as possible.  If you find this difficult, ask your doctor to do so on your behalf.  The information will only be disclosed in the circumstances outlined in the Duplex Business Services policy

8.3.  document.  Expect Management to ask you to take leave with pay whilst your medical condition is reviewed in relation to the duties and responsibilities you carry out and precautions necessary for you to continue to carry out such duties whilst you are suffering from the virus.

8.4.  If you cut yourself or there is a spillage of your body fluid, where practicably possible you should clear up the spillage/apply a dressing/bandage/plaster yourself.  If you are unable to do so you must consult a recognised first aider or call for general assistance from colleagues but do not allow them to clean up the spillage without taking the precautions of wearing disposable gloves and apron and neutralising any virus in the spillage with a solution of 1 part bleach to 10 parts water or other solution approved by the Duplex Business Services Safety Officer and Premises Officer. (refer to 7.2 – 7.4 above)

If you suffer from the virus or develop the disease, always wear disposable gloves and apron when giving personal care to clients, e.g. bathing.

If you suffer from the virus or develop the disease and you are a first aider, you must inform the Duplex Business Services Safety Officer and you must relinquish this responsibility.  Continuing to carry out this responsibility may place other vulnerable client/employer groups at risk.

Appendix 5

Emergency Alarm & Evacuation Procedures

Raising the Alarm

  1. The person finding a fire should set off the closest fire alarm and inform reception/Safety Officer stating the exact location of the fire.

  1. The Safety Officer will ascertain the location of the fire, via zone identification on fire panel and call the fire services immediately, stating the location along with directions to the fire and any relevant information the fire service may require.  The Premises Officer and Safety Officer will help to evacuate and secure the building and direct fire tenders to the location. 

  1. All staff, Learners and visitors must follow the procedures below to evacuate the building.

  1. Only the Fire Brigade or Premises Officer can silence the alarms, and only these people will declare the building or site safe for re-entry.


All staff should adhere to the following procedures and actively encourage Learners to observe these procedures as directed.

  1. When the alarm is sounded everyone must leave the building as quickly as possible by the nearest emergency exit.

  1. The Fire Warden will ensure that their designated area is cleared and will then report any important information regarding trapped or injured individuals to the Safety Officer.

  1. When evacuating a room please ensure that all your Learners have left before you, then close the door but do not lock it.

  1. Do not spend precious time endeavouring to open or close windows or gather up personal belongings.

  1. Leave the building by the shortest possible route.

  1. Move away from the building to the appropriate Fire Assembly Point.  Fire assembly points are indicated people should evacuate to their dedicated assembly area. 

Stand at least 50 metres from the building.  Do not obstruct entrances and ensure that Learners do the same.  This action may help to avoid injury from heat, falling glass or masonry.

  1. Do not re-enter the building and do not allow Learners to re-enter the building until you have been told to do so by the Premises Officer or emergency services that it is safe to do so.  Do not assume that when the alarm stops ringing it is safe to re-enter the building – it may not be!

Disabled Persons

The needs of Learners and visitors with mobility problems will be catered for on an individual basis.  In the event of an emergency evacuation, these individuals should:

  • Seek assistance from a member of staff to reach the haven.
  • Remain in the haven until further assistance arrives.

The member of staff must inform the fire warden by the main door that a person requiring assistance is waiting in the haven.  The safe haven will be checked by the fire marshal designated to that area, and they will liaise with the Premises Officer to arrange for assistance to be given to the disabled person to evacuate the building or alert the fire brigade as appropriate.

Duties of the Fire Warden

Upon the emergency evacuation alarm sounding, the fire marshal will:

  • put on his/her fluorescent jacket,
  • pick up his/her area plaque (located near exit),
  • do a visual sweep of his/her area,
  • check store rooms and toilets,
  • when all personnel within his/her area have evacuated, leave by the dedicated escape route,
  • report his/her area clear to the Premises/Safety Officer at the exit. 

He/she should then go to the designated assembly point with his/her personnel and await further instructions.

Fire wardens will also make daily visual checks of all firefighting equipment and for any obstructions throughout the evacuation routes within his /her area and report, any defects to the Premises Officer.

Appendix 6

Procedure for Dealing with Visitors

Visitors, or in the case of large groups, the leaders of such groups must report to reception upon arrival.  A copy of the Duplex Business Services Health, Safety and Welfare Document will be held in reception and made available on demand for study and inspection by any visitor. 

  • Visitors will sign in at reception, recording their name, company and who they are visiting.
  • The receptionist should point out the briefing notice (see next page).
  • Visitor should remain within the reception area until the host member of staff has been informed and has decided for them to be escorted or directed to the appropriate location within the centre.
  • Where appropriate an identity pass will be issued.
  • The host member of staff has a duty of care to visitors.  The host should point out emergency procedures and generally have regard for the safety of the visitors.
  • Visitors must comply with all safety policies for the areas that they are visiting, including codes on protective clothing.
  • Visitors must be signed off the premises when the visit is complete and hand in their identity pass.
  • In the event of an emergency evacuation, the receptionist must take the Visitors Book to the Premises Officer so that all visitors can be accounted for.


Appendix 7

Risk Assessments



Risk assessment is a fundamental process for ensuring Health and Safety in the Duplex Business Services.  It is probably the most successful tool that the Health and Safety Officer can possess.  The concept of risk assessment is contained in many statutes and guidance material.  The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 contain the main legislative requirements for employers and the self-employed to carry out such assessments.  Other regulations contain similar provisions to carry out assessments, such as those for exposure to noise and manual handling.

Some classes of people may be at an increased risk.  Special provisions exist for controlling the risks to pregnant women, new mothers and young persons.  A list of vulnerable people who may be at increased risk is given in the table below.

The first step in the risk assessment process is to identify what hazards people may be subjected to.  A hazard can be classed as anything that has the potential to cause harm.  This can be achieved by carrying out a walkthrough survey and talking with the people who carry out the work activities.

The second step is to assess the risks from each of those hazards.  Risk is defined as the likelihood that something will cause harm together with the severity of injury.  Once the work activity has been assessed, a decision must be made as to whether the risk is acceptable.  If the risk is acceptable, any existing measures used to control the risk must be kept in place.  If the risk is unacceptable, additional measures to control the risk must be introduced.  A hierarchy of control measures must be followed.

The significant findings of the assessment should be recorded.  Checks should always be made to ensure that control measures are being followed.  In addition, the assessment will need to be reviewed at appropriate intervals to ensure that it is still valid.

Vulnerable group


Pregnant women

Susceptible to extremes of temperature, heavy weights, night or shift work, lead, hazardous substances, general fatigue, cramped working positions.

Visitors, contractors or members of the public

Normally unaware of dangers associated with the workplace and its layout.  May disregard safety instructions.  Possibility of vandalism

Young persons

Immaturity can lead to carelessness and no previous industrial experience means that they are often unaware of dangers.

People on work experience or training schemes

Similar reasons as for young persons, also a willingness to please an employer may lead to the taking of short-cuts.

Lone workers

May be unable to summon help in an emergency and may be susceptible to violence

Temporary employees including those from employment agencies

Unaware of site and safety rules and may have no regard for the company and its equipment.

Disabled persons

Visual or hearing impairment may result in hazards not being noticed, physical impairment may make the operation of certain equipment difficult, and access and egress from workstations and workplace may be a problem.

Employees with certain illnesses

Certain illnesses such as epilepsy may put people at increased risks from certain activities.

Peripatetic workers

No supervisor contact or monitoring, working methods not observed, and varying work locations may contain varying risks.

Maintenance workers

Often work alone, sometimes with dangerous machinery.  Possibility of machines being inadvertently switched on Special attention will, therefore, must be paid to ensure that control measures introduced to control the risks to these vulnerable groups are sufficient.

Generic Assessments

Risk assessments should be specific to activities.  If the work activities are similar, however, the process of individually assessing each of those activities at every site can prove a daunting task, if not a wasteful exercise.  Managers may, therefore, find it useful to carry out a generic risk assessment that covers activities on a group basis.  This could take the form of assessing a group of similar activities such as office work or class-based teaching or assessing a single activity that occurs at several locations.

A single or small number of assessments can be undertaken, and the results of that assessment can then be applied across a range of activities.  This technique has advantages in that less time is spent assessing similar activities.  It also means, however, that a greater amount of time must be spent planning the assessment.  There is also a possibility that little or no variation may be made for local working arrangements or situations and so the process may prove inflexible or open to misinterpretation.

If generic assessments are to be used, they must be valid for the work activities to which they apply.  To achieve this, the following points should be observed:

  • the assessment must represent the particular activities at all relevant locations, or the worst-case scenario should be assessed;
  • there should not be any significant deviations from the assessment;
  • the assumptions on which the assessment is based should be recorded, such as the safe working procedures detailed in the company Health and Safety policy statement that all work locations follow;
  • the control measures that are in place should not deviate from that on which the assessment was based.

It should be noted that there is no legal requirement that each activity is assessed at each work location, just a requirement for the assessment to be ‘suitable and sufficient’.


If the workplace or building in which work activities are undertaken is shared with another employer, then any risks posed by the operations of one employer should be effectively communicated to the other employer.  This could include any emergency action that needs to be taken and any evacuation procedures that need to be introduced.  This is particularly important when contractors can work on site.

Communication should also take place with the workforce to:

  • establish their views on working procedures and risks that they face;
  • advise them of the risk assessment process;
  • advise them of any risks that they may encounter.


Any risk assessments that are undertaken should be ‘suitable and sufficient’.  This would include ensuring that the effort placed into the assessment is proportional to the risks involved.  Minor hazards will require minimal effort devoted to their assessment whereas significant hazards may need considerably more time.

It is important for assessors to know their limitations when assessing risks and to call in expert help when this is required.

Identifying Workplace Hazards

Hazard identification can be achieved by using the following steps:

  • break down the work operation into manageable areas
  • make a preliminary list of activities in each of those areas by speaking to the workplace supervisors
  • carry out an initial ‘walk-through’ of the work areas
  • amend the preliminary list as necessary including the activities on the control sheet
  • at the end of the exercise review the hazards and arrange them in order of priority

Long-term hazards and those relating to ill health should be considered as well as those likely to cause physical injury.  The use of two assessors can be beneficial in ensuring that work activities are fully and correctly assessed (particularly important for high-risk activities.  The information gathered will then be used as a basis of determining the actual risks posed by the operations.

Evaluating the Risks

  • develop confidence by carrying out some minor assessments first
  • decide on priority of assessments (most significant hazards first)
  • ignore trivial hazards, concentrating on significant hazards
  • complete the risk assessment form
  • apply the appropriate risk rating

Once the necessary information has been obtained on the hazards encountered by work activities, the next stage is to assess the risks.

The main purposes of undertaking risk assessments are to decide on the level of risk that people are exposed to, decide whether the risk is ‘acceptable’ and to concentrate activities on the riskiest activities or processes.  A risk rating score has been developed to assist in carrying out the risk assessment and to help decide what action, if any, is required.  This combines the three factors that contribute to risk assessment:

  • the numbers of people that could be affected;
  • the severity of likely injuries that persons could suffer;
  • the likelihood of harm occurring.

The overall risk can be determined using the following formula:

            Risk Rating = Numbers × Severity × Likelihood

The overall risk rating score will provide an indication as to the level of risk associated with work activities and will help to decide whether the risk is ‘acceptable’.  It can also be used to prioritise actions to enable resources to be directed to control activities that pose the greatest risk.  When assessing the severity of harm that could occur, the likely outcome of the accident should be considered.

Existing control measures should be evaluated to identify whether they are sufficient to control the risk.  If control measures have been stipulated for a work activity, it should be ascertained whether those measures are being implemented as planned.  This will require both observation and questioning of employees.  It is often found that insufficient training has been given or that procedures, although understood, are not being implemented due to a lack of management control.  The assessor should also assess the impact of the severity of injury on first-aid requirements.

The activities should be risk assessed as follows according to the criteria set out in Table 2 on the next page.

As a rule, if the risk rating score is 10 or less, it is unlikely that any further action will need to be taken apart from reviewing the assessment.  If the cost of eliminating or significantly reducing the risk is small, however, consideration should be given to taking some action.  All pertinent factors should have been considered before the risk is dismissed as trivial.  If the number of people affected or the severity of injury is high and the only reason that the overall score is low is due to the effectiveness of the control measures that are in place, then action must be taken to ensure that those measures remain effective.

The scoring system should only be used as a tool for evaluating the level of risk.  There will be situations where it may be necessary to reach a decision without the scoring system or where adaptations must be made.



Table 2: Risk rating score

Number of people affected

Severity of injury

Likelihood of occurrence

1–5 persons






6–50 persons






50+ persons






(or public/vulnerable






persons affected)







Action to be taken

Less than 10

Risk acceptable unless cost or effort to control the risk further is very low.


Risk is low.  Action is required to reduce the risk, although low priority.  Time, effort and cost should be proportional to the risk.


Risk is medium.  Action required soon to control.  Interim measures may be necessary in the short term.


Risk is high.  Action required urgently to control risks.  Interim measures required in the short term.  Significant effort, time etc, may have to be used to control the risk.


Risk totally unacceptable, immediate action required before work activity can continue.  Risk assessment should be reviewed at regular intervals to ensure that risk is being properly controlled.  Control measures may have to involve some considerable effort and time to control.


If the public or vulnerable persons could be affected by the work activities, the appropriate weighting should be applied.

Negligible injuries include bumps, small cuts, abrasions etc.

Minor injuries include those injuries that could result in time off work etc.

Major injuries include broken limbs, injuries to eyes, asphyxiation etc.

Improbable: Probability close to zero.

Remote: Unlikely

Possible: Could occur sometime.

Likely: Not surprised that it will happen.

Certain: Most likely to happen.  Not ‘if’ but ‘when’.


* If the score is low due to effective control measures being in place, action must be taken to ensure that those measures remain in place.


Implementing Control Measures

The basic principle of controlling risks in the workplace is either to remove the risk or to control its possible impact.  Any control measures that are introduced should be designed to:

  • reduce the numbers of people that are likely to be exposed to the risk or ensure that vulnerable persons are not affected;
  • reduce the likely severity of injury that could be suffered by, for example, limiting the distance that a person could fall;
  • reduce the likelihood of an injury occurring by introducing appropriate control measures.

Standard forms of controls are:

  • Elimination
  • Substitution – arrange a safer alternative
  • Isolation – separate the hazard from the people
  • Minimise exposure to the hazard by good housekeeping and organisation
  • Minimise the time of exposure and/or the number of people exposed to the risk
  • Training and awareness – design safe methods of operation or systems
  • Use personal protective clothing and/or equipment

When deciding what control measures need to be implemented or reviewing those in place, the following action should be taken:

  • Determine the level of risk.
  • Determine whether existing control measures are adequate.
  • Determine whether additional control measures are required.
  • Consult the relevant employees or supervisors.
  • Decide on appropriate control measures relative to the hierarchical list.
  • Decide whether health surveillance is required.
  • Implement control measures.
  • Monitor control measures to ensure that they are effective.

Recording Findings of Assessment

It is important to record the significant findings of the risk assessments to ensure that:

  • the assessment can be properly reviewed at the appropriate time;
  • an accurate record is made of the assessor’s observations and decisions;
  • the employer’s legal duty is complied with.

The person undertaking the assessment should:

  • Record significant findings on the Control Sheet.
  • Communicate findings to employees.
  • Keep appropriate records.
  • Use the assessments as a basis for safe working arrangements for the company Health and Safety policy statement.

Trivial risks that people face every day should not be recorded, for example the possibility that a person may slip on a clean, dry floor.  A record of the assessment must be kept as it will provide a reference for developing safe systems of work and will form a useful record of the controls used in the workplace.  It will also be used as evidence that all reasonable precautions have been taken in the event of civil or criminal proceedings.

Once the findings have been recorded, they must be communicated to the employees.  The information:

  • should be relevant to the work activities of the employees and they should not be faced with a wealth of irrelevant risk assessments for work activities that they will not be carrying out.
  • needs to be conveyed at a level suitable for the audience with special consideration being paid any potential language difficulties.
  • needs to be supplemented with written information such as detailed procedures and safe systems of work.

Special attention should be paid to ensure that relevant information is provided to all employees including temporary employees, agency workers and trainees.  All staff need to be aware of the findings of risk assessments on emergency procedures such as fire and evacuation.

Monitoring and Reviewing Assessments

As work activities are dynamic and liable to subtle changes, the circumstances surrounding the original risk assessment may also change.  It will, therefore, be necessary to monitor and review the risk assessments at specified intervals to ensure that they remain valid.  Monitoring of the assessment should be carried out regularly depending on the level of risk to ensure that the control measures are still in place and working as intended.  This could be incorporated into the normal duties of workplace supervisors and managers.

A review should normally be undertaken:

  • when circumstances surrounding the assessment change and it is no longer valid;
  • on a regular basis that should be determined when undertaking the original assessment;
  • when a period of five years has elapsed.

The greater the risk from the work activity, the greater should be the frequency of monitoring and reviewing.  There is no need to change the assessment for every minor change in work activity; the assessment should only be reviewed if there is a change that significantly alters the assessment.

The employer needs to ensure that:

  • poor working practices have not crept in;
  • the stipulated control measures are still being used;
  • the circumstances under which the assessment was made remain the same.

Action summary:

  • Decide which risks are potentially more serious
  • Establish periods for monitoring and reviewing the assessment based on the risk rating
  • Assign the tasks to competent persons

The review of risk assessments normally takes place on a less frequent basis and would involve re-examining the whole work activity and the control measures available.


Summary of the Risk Assessment Process



Identify Hazards

·       Break down the work operation into manageable areas

·       Make a preliminary list of activities in each of those areas by speaking to the workplace supervisors

·       Carry out an initial ‘walk-through’ of the work areas

·       Amend the preliminary list as necessary including the activities on the Control Sheet

·       At the end of the exercise review the hazards and arrange them in order of priority

Evaluate the Risks

·       Develop confidence by carrying out some minor assessments first

·       Decide on priority of assessments (most significant hazards first)

·       Ignore trivial hazards, concentrating on significant hazards

·       Complete the risk assessment form

·       Apply the appropriate risk rating

Implement Control Procedures

·       Determine the level of risk

·       Determine whether existing control measures are adequate

·       Determine whether additional control measures are required

·       Consult the relevant employees or supervisors

·       Decide on appropriate control measures relative to the hierarchical list

·       Decide whether health surveillance is required

·       Implement control measures

·       Monitor control measures to ensure that they are effective

Record Findings

·       Record significant findings on the Control Sheet

·       Communicate findings to employees

·       Keep appropriate records

·       Use the assessments as a basis for safe working arrangements for the company Health and Safety policy statement

Monitor & Review the Assessment

·       Decide which risks are potentially more serious

·       Establish periods for monitoring and reviewing the assessment based on the risk rating

·       Assign the tasks to competent persons

Appendix 8

Interactive Whiteboards


Access to and Visibility of Boards

The size of an interactive whiteboard and its positioning affects how it can be used.  It can be difficult to display and work with text on a small board in a large classroom.  For work to be seen clearly at the back of the room, an appropriately sized board is needed, along with a projector with sufficient brightness.

It is important to consider accessibility to the board for tutors and Learners.  The board should be high enough to maximise visibility while ensuring that the tutor can reach all areas of it.  Thought should be given to allowing people of differing heights access a sufficient area of the board, although use of platforms is not recommended.  In addition, Learners need to get to the board easily and quickly through their desks or tables to help maintain the pace of a lesson.

Interactive whiteboards can be very difficult to see when direct sunlight shines on them.  If a board is in direct sunlight at any time of the day, black-out blinds (or similar) will be needed.

Projector Installation

The height of a whiteboard will affect the height of the projector and the angle at which it needs to be situated, as well as the distance of the projector from the board.  Digital projectors must also be firmly fixed to ceilings.  If classrooms have false ceilings, which are flexible, the projectors will have to be specially installed; otherwise the whiteboards will need frequent recalibrating.

Projectors have a maximum and a minimum image-throw distance (that is, the distance of the projector from the screen) for a specified image size.  When mounting a projector, it is important to make sure that the projector is fixed within its throw distance: too close and the image may either be out of focus or not fill the entire screen; too far and the image may be too large for the screen.

Ceiling-mounted projectors can easily be unbolted unless protected.  Standard security measures, such as ultraviolet pens and data tagging, and physical security such as Kensington locks or cages should be used to protect projectors.  Some projectors have built-in security measures such as pin codes.  A ceiling-mounted power supply may also be required for the projector.  This must be available before agreeing an installation date for the interactive whiteboard solution, so that the system can be tested and fully functional at the end of the installation.

Computer and Additional Hardware

It is preferable to have a computer – one with an internet or network connection point – located near the board.

Electrical sockets may be needed near the board to reduce the number of extension leads required for peripherals such as printers and scanners.


When planning the position of the interactive whiteboard, it will be necessary to consider Health and Safety issues relating to the cabling.  All cabling must be safely secured for the entire length of the cable, right up to the chosen position of the equipment it will be connecting to.





Sound files and moving images are readily accessible when using whiteboard technology and, when used effectively, can enhance teaching and learning across the curriculum.  Most projectors have built-in speakers, which are usually small and ineffective and unsuitable where Learners may be hearing impaired.  Therefore, it is advisable to have wall-mounted external speakers, which will ensure that sound is of better quality and carries better across the classroom.

Health and Safety

It’s important to be aware of the Health and Safety implications of using projection equipment such as interactive whiteboards in the classroom, particularly if people might stand in front of the beam to give presentations to the rest of the class.  All projectors, if misused, have the potential to cause eye damage; so some simple guidelines should be followed:

  • Make clear to all users that no one should stare directly into the beam of the projector.
  • When entering the beam, users should not look towards the audience for more than a few seconds.
  • Encourage users to keep their backs to the projector beam when standing in it.
  • Young people should be supervised always when a projector is being used.

A maximum of 1,500 ANSI lumens is normally adequate for projection equipment in most classroom environments.  The only exception might be extreme ambient lighting conditions.  In this case, the advice is to use window blinds rather than increasing the brightness of the projector.

When purchasing or using a projector for purposes when it is likely that a person will be standing in front of the beam, consider using a method of brightness reduction, such as a neutral density filter or brightness adjustment facility.  These modifications can be removed or adjusted for other purposes such as cinema projections, when no one will be standing in front of the beam, allowing the projector to be used to its full potential.

Site Survey

It is essential to make a survey of the rooms in which whiteboards will be installed before deciding on a purchase.


Safety Notice

This notice is to be displayed with all whiteboards or LCD projectors:

Projector Safety


Do not stare into the projector beam.

When entering the beam do not look at the audience for more than a few seconds.

Supervise Learners and other vulnerable people appropriately.

Appendix 9

Outreach Working

Where staff of Duplex Business Services are working off-site, the following procedures will serve as a guide to ensure that they have a safe working environment.

  1. Managing Safety

It must be ensured that:

1.1.Adequate insurance (Duplex Business Services and host organisation) and employer’s and public liability insurance is in place. 

1.2.Health or medical conditions which may affect the worker or others have been identified, controlled and monitored.

1.3.The worker has appropriate line management arrangements in place, including notification of locations, contact telephone numbers etc, and their whereabouts are known by their line management or other responsible person.

1.4.Appropriate reporting in/signing out arrangements are established.

1.5.Appropriate assessments and reviews have been undertaken to ensure that the environment offers adequate Health and Safety.

  1. Safety Policy and Risk Assessment

It must be established that:

2.1.A Health and Safety Policy is in place (statement, organisation and arrangements) within the outreach location/organisation, which must be in writing where required by law.

2.2.Adequate risk assessment procedures are in place within the outreach location/ organisation and are being implemented.

2.3.Appropriate risk assessments have been undertaken by Duplex Business Services, and control measures put in place that are understood by all parties.

2.4.Control measures may include always working in partnership with another outreach worker.

  1. Staff Competence

Outreach workers must:

3.1.Be judged to be competent to operate in their working environment by their line manager.

3.2.Have a good understanding of Health and Safety matters.

  1. Driving Safety

4.1.Where an individual is using their own car to travel to an off-site location, they must ensure that their own insurance is adequate and covers business use.

4.2.Staff must not use a mobile phone whilst driving.

  1. Equipment, Materials and Safe Systems of Work

5.1.Suitable safe equipment and materials will be provided with systems of work and control measures as appropriate

5.2.Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) will be issued where required.

5.3.Where first aid provision is not available at the location, a travel first aid kit and suitable training (1 day appointed persons training as a minimum) will be provided.

Appendix 10

Educational Visits or Work Experience

Staff have a duty of care for Learners under their supervision.  Learners engaged on educational activities off-site of Duplex Business Services premises have a duty of care to themselves and others.

Staff organising visits or journeys must liaise with line managers at an early stage in the planning process and managers must satisfy themselves that arrangements are appropriate for the group and activity being undertaken.  Under the Health and Safety at Work Act both the staff organising and accompanying the trip or work experience, managers and the Directorate will be liable.  This liability cannot be delegated.

Risk Assessment

Staff organising educational visits or work experience are required to assess the level of risks to which Learners may be exposed and take appropriate precautionary measures.  In all cases, risk assessments must be carried out in advance of the educational visit or journey.

Factors affecting the assessment of risk include:

  1. a)The age and experience of Learner
  2. b)The level of supervision
  3. c)The level of advice and/or training
  4. d)Any periods of unsupervised time
  5. e)Third party actions
  6. f)Location and methods of travel
  7. g)Environmental conditions
  8. h)Encountering other environments and cultures
  9. i)Health of participants
  10. j)Skills, experience and expertise of the supervisors/instructors

The risk assessment must be recorded in line with the company procedures outlined in Appendix 7.

Training for staff in the assessment of risk will be provided as appropriate.

Educational Visits

All educational visits are to be authorised in advance by the Head of Area of Learning and Programme Co-ordinator.  Staff will normally accompany a Learner group visit but there are occasions when Learners will be unaccompanied eg individual research projects.  In all cases, explicit instructions on Health and Safety must be issued to the Learners prior to the visit.

A consent form should be gained from the Learner (or their parent/guardian if under the age of 18) agreeing to off-site activities. 

Any activity that presents hazards must be accompanied by staff qualified in the activity.  The staff/Learner ratio must be dictated by the nature of the activity and staff must assess the number of Learners one member of staff can reasonably manage in the circumstances.  The Learner staff ratio will be determined by the organiser and the Department Managers.  Other advisors should be consulted if there is any doubt about an appropriate level of supervision.

Work Experience

Work experience placement must be appropriate for the Learner undertaking the placement from an educational, health, welfare and safety point of view.  The following factors must be considered in the planning of the placement:

Pre-experience checks

Educational appropriateness of the placement



The organisation at which the placement is to be made must operate effective systems and procedures to deliver appropriate and safe work experiences.



An appropriate Health and Safety Policy in place and adhered to in the work place.



A programme of safe work is agreed with the employer.



Employers’ staff must be competent to supervise the trainee.



The working environment should be safe and healthy, and risks lowered to a minimum practicable level.



Police checks are undertaken where a Learner is left alone with a small number of individuals or where it is otherwise appropriate.



The Learner is insured to work on the employer’s premises.



Adequate supervision of the Learner by a member of staff to ensure that the placement meets its educational aims and that the safety, health and welfare of the Learner are not compromised.


Emergency Contact

Every Learner on a work placement must be aware of how to contact Duplex Business Services in the event of an emergency or other urgent incident.


A Work Experience Record of Placement form should be completed in all cases, and a Work Experience – Parental Consent Form completed for Learners under the age of 18 who access work experience placements.

Appendix 11

Contractor Procedure


Approved Contractors

The Duplex Business Services Safety Officer will maintain a record of Approved Contractors.  An essential criterion for approval is the possession of a copy of a current Contractor’s Safety Policy, other documents or evidence which demonstrate a commitment to Health and Safety.  A copy of the Approved Contractor’s Safety Policy must be lodged with the Duplex Business Services Safety Officer.

Arranging Contracts

The Premises Officer must liaise with the Safety Officer to ensure that only approved Contractors are engaged in any works.

The Health and Safety Officer and the Premises Officer are responsible for ensuring that, as far as is practicable, the Health and Safety of staff and all others is not compromised by the activities of Contractors.

For major projects, the Safety Officer must ensure that all works are undertaken in compliance with the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007, where they apply.  A CDM Coordinator must be appointed as soon as possible to advise on matters relating to project safety. 

Contractors – General Arrangements

Where Duplex Business Services premises are not wholly given over to the Contractor Duplex Business Services retains the responsibility for Health and Safety.  The greatest potential risk is when Contractors are working in occupied buildings.

The Contractor has a duty about Health and Safety related to the work.  Duplex Business Services has a similar duty to all other persons who may be affected by the work.

  1. Contractors are to be made aware of the requirements of all Duplex Business Services policies and will be issued with copies of relevant sections from the policies.  The Duplex Business Services Health, Safety and Welfare Policy is available at Reception.
  2. A ‘Permit to Work’ will be issued.
  3. A mutually agreed system must be drawn up and adhered to.  Any departures from the agreed system must be agreed with the relevant Manager, who will inform all concerned.
  4. Contractors must not enter hazardous areas except by written agreement and/or the Permit to Work form, available from the Duplex Business Services Safety Officer.
  5. Contractors must not undertake hazardous tasks and processes except by written agreement, in particular, naked flame hot work.
  6. Contractors must report to an agreed person each day before starting work and on completion before leaving the premises.
  7. All relevant staff must be informed of any work about to be undertaken in order that the implications for Health and Safety may be reviewed.
  8. Regular visual checks should be made on Contractors if they are working alone or in an isolated area.